Solaré  -  Marina-De-Koning

Dear Beloved People,

My name is Marina Tanca De Koning.

Welcome to the website of Solaré.

As a sensitive, intuitive soul, I have a strong connection from my higher self with the more subtle dimensions and the angels, the Ascended Masters, and also the elementals, and I can transmit information from these more subtle worlds. I also use my healing gifts for the highest good, with honesty and integrity being essential in this.

My aim is to offer deeper insights to those who cross my path, leading to more lasting peace, joy, and health in all areas. In my experience, it is important to get to know yourself and heal and release the burdens you carry. I can share my insights with you and what has helped me to create more balance in and around myself, for nothing is a coincidence, and the people in your life and the situations that occur all have a deeper meaning! It is important to become whole again energetically. I have long been aware that inner work must be done. Due to the intensity of the light frequency that now enters every cell, all hidden matters and lower energies are brought to the surface to be healed and forgiven. This is necessary to walk the path to your true home. With love, Marina.

Feel free to contact me. Everyone who wants to live better and more energetically and seeks self-discovery is warmly welcome at Solaré. Do not hesitate to contact me today for more information.


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