In this blog I want to talk about what we are collectively experiencing now in the process of awakening....

Now that we are going to cultivate the new earth and plant new seeds, it is very important to remove the old seeds right down to the core. For these will no longer be able to take root in the new earth! I have kept weeding my old seeds and feeding the new ones. And yes some are already growing on the new earth.... Do you wish this too?

Many old issues come to the surface. This brings along growing pains, physical discomfort and fatigue. But there is a way, there is a path!  

A lot of unresolved issues come to the surface like grief, fear, and frustrations. This causes a very heavy energy that hangs like a cloud over the earth, affecting us individually and collectively, unless you are already in a higher frequency. This happens because the vibrational frequency of the earth goes upwards, and it unbalances everything in our energy system.

As a result, we encounter situations in our daily lives that allow us to transform and balance this lower energy, and from this also gain the necessary insights. Because there is a law that says: the like attracts the like. It is the case that when we get angry or irritated, it usually has nothing to do with what is occurring in that moment. But something has been touched that was hidden and is now coming to the surface. This is an opportunity for soul growth and to rise above this and to bring balance to yourself and understand the lesson behind this.

It is very important when a so-called negative situation arises, to then ask yourself the question: 'why do I get angry?' And then turn inward and ask 'where does this feeling or emotion come from? Is it coming from powerlessness? Or frustration from my environment or what I see in the world? Or am I absorbing this energy from the atmosphere or from the energy field of someone nearby? Or does it come from my childhood, from fear of being rejected or unloved or even condemned?'

Women show their emotions more easily than men! And that usually comes from childhood too. When you fell, people would often say to a boy "Surely a big boy like you is not going to cry!" As if boys have no emotion and only girls are allowed to show it! So that's where things already go wrong, and an imbalance of feminine and masculine energy is already created. And it is so important now to balance animo and anima for further spiritual growth. It is more important to express the emotion instead of suppressing it, as this leads to physical and psychological problems and blockages in the throat chakra.

It is very important to accept feelings, embrace them and give them a chance to heal. Do not engage in victimisation or emotional blackmail. For this is the mind asking for identification. Of course, it is important not to hurt others, because words can make deeper wounds than anything else in the other person's heart.

An example:

  • When you have a negative emotion, drink a glass of water!
  • Take a walk, or play sports, or clean your house!
  • Sing a beautiful Shiva Mantra
  • And ask yourself 'is it true what the other person is saying, and is it my personality or my ego that is being touched? Because we are neither.
  • Then breathe deeply and go to your heart centre and try to see the other person's point of view too.

Now what happens during the transformation process? 

Well, a higher truth awakens in your consciousness. To change something, you must first become aware of it. This is important.

Be kind to yourself in this process, because before you know it, you are in a negative spiral that leads to addictions and depression.

Due to lack of proper communication, structure or more in-depth spiritual feedback, many young people turn to drugs or alcohol to ease the pain. Especially as we have had to turn more and more inward to find answers over the past two years. This is sometimes very difficult for many.

In many cases, parents are too quick to give in to the child or young person's rebellious or aggressive behaviour in order to calm tempers. As a result, children no longer have any respect or gratitude, and start finding it more than normal to get everything just like that.

This is why it is necessary for such a great transformation to take place on earth. To create space for living from a higher consciousness. We all now have the unique opportunity to experience our divinity here and now. Do you have to go meditate on a mountain for that?  No!

But it is important to spend time in silence with yourself, because in silence we get the most answers.

Ooh, most people say, ‘We are free again to go to festivals and nightclubs.’ Sorry this is not the freedom I am talking about here. This is often escaping behaviour and when very loud music is played, the finer nerve membranes get irrevocably damaged. This is not the kick we need. There is a true inner battle going on, which we must win to gain mastery and be truly free.

The time of playing with the wolf in the forest is over! We must make a clear choice now, because the veils have never been so thin between this and other dimensions and will become very transparent. But there is so much help at hand. All we must do is ask. They look at us with compassion and unconditional love and ask us to do the same. We are hugely challenged to what extent we allow ourselves to be seduced by dark forces and allow them to take away our power and dim our light.

We see that happening on all over the world now. We watch and let it happen, giving away our power, instead of taking responsibility and standing in our power and truth. The more we connect ourselves to our higher selves, the more love, gratitude, and compassion we can radiate into the world. Because being connected, we have more courage and confidence and can handle anything. Because the greatest power comes from within.

We give the best of ourselves and transform ourselves, making a beautiful contribution to the collective consciousness and the earth.        

Marina De Koning Copyright.

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