Rice noodles with Paksoi and Tofu and mild curry coconut sauce
For 2 person
1 packet of Tofu
1 Paksoi
1 big onion
1 big peace op garlic( or Ayurvedic assafoutida powder as replacement)
olive oil
1 pack of Thai rice noodles
1 spoon of Miso paste
1 can of bio coconutmilk a bit of soja cream
1 spoon of mild curry powder
take the wok pan put the olive oil and onion,garlic and tofu in it
and black pepper and 1 spoon of Miso paste and stuer it
wash and cut the Paksoi in strips put the white part in the wokpan the green part safe for last
because it is quickly ready
Now take a cooking pot and boil water lightly salted and
boil the rice noodles max 3 min put the water out
take a small steel pan and put your coconut milk curry powder and a bit soja cream inside put black pepper and a little salt
Now make a nice plate like on the photo and enjoy
Very tasty quickly ready not expensive and full of viamines and minerals
Extra info:
Rice noodles are perfectly healthy and make a great addition to your diet.
Still, they're lower in fiber than other noodles, such as whole wheat noodles or spaghetti squash noodles. Studies suggest that eating more fiber supports beneficial gut bacteria, good digestion, and blood sugar management
It's full of cancer-fighting compounds such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, folate, and selenium.
Vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene are powerful antioxidants that can help to prevent cell damage from free radicals, which may help to lower your cancer risk. Selenium may help to slow the growth rate of tumors.
Rich in nutrients: Miso contains many healthy vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, manganese, zinc, protein and calcium. Many of these nutrients support essential structures like the bones and nervous system. Improves digestion: Because miso is high in probiotics, it helps the body maintain healthy bacteria levels.
people who consumed coconut milk lowered their LDL or "bad” cholesterol while their HDL or "good” cholesterol increased. Healthy cholesterol levels are important for heart health. Coconut milk and cream are sources of healthy fats called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)..
Tofu is high in protein and contains all the essential amino acids your body needs.
It also provides fats, carbs, and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.